Donde viven los dragones? / Where do the dragons live? / Wo leben die Drachen?

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En nuestra casa tienen un agujero en la pared ( carton negro) con una alfombra para limpiase los pies en salir de su casa. Solo salen para columpiarse.
In our house they have a hole in the wall (black cardboard) with a housecleaner in front of it. They clean their feet leaving their home. They just visit us to swing themselves.
Bei uns zu Hause haben sie ein Loch in der Wand (schwarze Pappe) mit einem Teppich davor. Sie putzen sich die Füße beim Verlassen ihres Hauses und besuchen uns nur zum Schaukeln.

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  1. says: Susie

    I love this idea! It is the one thing I did not think to do when my kids were little…and we had plenty of monsters, fairies, elves, trolls, brownies, and such causing mischief and magic. I don’t see a way to share you on Pinterest, though, and I would love to. A “P” is the icon that is used for pinning to a site with multiple boards. Thank you for sharing your talent and your whimsy. Susie, in snowy Port Huron, Michigan, USA

  2. says: Lor Ena

    Me encantaaaaa!! Y me ha recordado a mi infancia… Yo no tenía una puerta tan currada, de hecho no había puerta realmente… pero la veía!!! Veía la puerta de la casa de los “diminutos” jejejeje el poder de la mente infantil…

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